Tuesday, September 4, 2012

"Reservation", as and when it comes in to news, unfettered reactions fills up entire socio-political space. In normal situations one seldom raises issues of caste, discrimination, untouchability but when something related to "reservation' or some other means of affirmative action occupies space, I could see many a apolitical metrosexuals, even the ones usually keeping arms length with the political milieu instantly transform as the biggest caretakers and solution providers of the above mentioned social evils..

To me this behaviour indicates something pseudo, something unrealistic, a reactionary political move which has no real sympathy with the eradication of the caste system. If at all one wants to weed out the root causes of the prevalent social evils, one must dare enough to talk about the evils consistently and refrain from making occasional reactionary remarks. It only shows the real character of the reaction which is nothing less than a political one rather for a social remedy.

Truly said that communalism is nothing less than the aspirations of the burgeoning middle class of instant solution seekers who can go to any damn levels of hypocrisy.

Truth is that if the country really were to be the land of Mahatmas and saints in real terms, no social evil would have existed as it exists now. For a not so mahatma like nation only coercion had been a comparatively effective tool. Time since independence had been proof to this assumption. I hope the future of my country falsifies this. I shall be the happiest...

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