Tuesday, August 21, 2012

In the world of robust vocal chords, knowledge definitely takes a back seat most of the times....Not to mention what sells is what is considered to be right in contemporary scenario for instance personality vs character, information vs knowledge...etc etc

Sagarikas and Arnabs are one of those who are trying to gain from the existing system which is aimed at selling more....They are just being like many others, the products of the system for whom conformity and adaptation are sacrosanct or else they will lose.

The products of the system are equally responsible as the system itself...There needs to be construction of an understanding that objectivity and reason, even if they do not sell need to be assimilated and worked upon...but again it will cost much given the ism of capital prevalent today.

Its drucker being assimilated in debates on these TV screens... product mix, differentiation and bla bla...why wouldnt there be spin, tautology etc??

In nutshell, item by item we need to reason out to figure out that what sells need not necessarily mean right, need not mean to be objective, scientific, knowledge...

Politics of "capital" has many facets..TV debates are no exceptions

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