Celebrated Republic Day in a school running under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Programme in a local village named Pallathur (few Kms away from Mr Chidambaram`s house). Felt like visiting a temple with "real deities". Honestly speaking, the energy multiplies manifolds seeing the innocence and naive patriotic zeal of the young students. I thoroughly enjoyed the moment, however, back in retrospection, I equally felt sad for them. Afterall, anything pure in this so called "real world" is exposed to vulnerability. I wished if we could be a part of India where purity of human values is valued and respected. I wished their naivety and innocence doesn`t get hurt when they grow up only to realize that the nation which they were once so ideally proud of is not so ideal for millions of people. I wished justice for those ignited minds and their spirits in this not so spirited nation............
I also wished if our nation were a real Republic of every single individual empowered not only by "political democracy" but also by "social democracy" which Dr Ambedkar, the chief architect of the constitution of India, had once quoted addressing the constituent Assembly.
Finally I wondered whether the real deities of that school heard my wishes and smiled.
Nevertheless, a Great Republic Day to all my fellow countrymen, women & NRIs once again. Hope the "real republic" is progressively under construction :)
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